A indagar
Basque Denial Clouds Role of Militants in Bombing
Pernando Barrena, a leader of Batasuna, ETA’s outlawed political wing, said that there was no proof ETA was responsible and that the group had not issued a statement claiming responsibility, as it usually does. “The political process has not been broken,” he said. The last fatal attack by the separatist group was more than three years ago.
But a caller who had warned authorities before the explosion said he represented ETA.
Pernando Barrena, a leader of Batasuna, ETA’s outlawed political wing, said that there was no proof ETA was responsible and that the group had not issued a statement claiming responsibility, as it usually does. “The political process has not been broken,” he said. The last fatal attack by the separatist group was more than three years ago.
But a caller who had warned authorities before the explosion said he represented ETA.