Revealed: Litvinenko's Russian 'blackmail plot'
Guardian: "The FBI has been dragged into the investigation of Alexander Litvinenko's death after details emerged that he had planned to make tens of thousands of pounds blackmailing senior Russian spies and business figures.
The Observer has obtained remarkable testimony from a Russian academic, Julia Svetlichnaja, who met Litvinenko earlier this year and received more than 100 emails from him. In a series of interviews, she reveals that the former Russian secret agent had documents from the FSB, the Russian agency formerly known as the KGB. He had asked Svetlichnaja, who is based in London, to enter into a business deal with him and 'make money'."
The Observer has obtained remarkable testimony from a Russian academic, Julia Svetlichnaja, who met Litvinenko earlier this year and received more than 100 emails from him. In a series of interviews, she reveals that the former Russian secret agent had documents from the FSB, the Russian agency formerly known as the KGB. He had asked Svetlichnaja, who is based in London, to enter into a business deal with him and 'make money'."
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Que o homem estava metido em negócios estranhos não me admira.
A notícia que apareceu no Guardian, há algum tempo, que dizia que tinham sido detectados 3 objectos estranhos (do tamanho de uma moeda) nos intestinos de Litvinenko fez-me pensar que talvez não se tratasse de um assassinato mas, de um acidente de 'transporte'.
Se realmente foi um assassinato, porquê escolher um veneno tão dificil de obter e de administração e manipulação tão complicada e que contamina o próprio envenenador?
Acidente ou assassinato fica a ideia que está à disposição de gente pouco recomendável um tipo de arma silenciosa e muito perigosa.
A notícia que apareceu no Guardian, há algum tempo, que dizia que tinham sido detectados 3 objectos estranhos (do tamanho de uma moeda) nos intestinos de Litvinenko fez-me pensar que talvez não se tratasse de um assassinato mas, de um acidente de 'transporte'.
Se realmente foi um assassinato, porquê escolher um veneno tão dificil de obter e de administração e manipulação tão complicada e que contamina o próprio envenenador?
Acidente ou assassinato fica a ideia que está à disposição de gente pouco recomendável um tipo de arma silenciosa e muito perigosa.
The Litvinenko murder: Scaramella - The Italian Connection
He claims to be a professor at a university that has never heard of him, and consultant to a body that has no fixed address. The more we learn about Mario Scaramella the more mysterious his role in the events surrounding the death of Alexander Litvinenko becomes. Peter Popham reports from Rome
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He claims to be a professor at a university that has never heard of him, and consultant to a body that has no fixed address. The more we learn about Mario Scaramella the more mysterious his role in the events surrounding the death of Alexander Litvinenko becomes. Peter Popham reports from Rome
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