O que se passa na Sìria?
Fácil. O mesmo de sempre. A divisão dos islâmicos e dos regimes. Os regimes que são ameaçados pelo tipo de ideologia subversiva para qualquer Estado e qualquer tipo de regime representado pela AlQaeda. Todos os actuais regimes àrabes se sentem ameaçados pelo retro-ideologia implícita em Bin Laden.
E a melhor forma de ajudar Bin Laden é mesmo induzir a mudança de regimes e criar o caos (ou seja, o Iraque eo Afeganistão numa versão alargada a todo o Médio Oriente).
O que dizem os proto-neo-cons? "faster, please". Hoje como antes, a turculência para salvar o mundo e a pretensão à detenção da moral onde a moral dificilmente pode sequer ser articulada (é curioso porque costumam ser os mesmos para quem a aliança com Estaline, realísticamente não lhes causa qualquer incómodo, pleo contrário, Churchill e Roosevelt devem ser celebrados pela sua visão!), é mesmo o maior perigo que enfrentamos.
"(...)Although Secretary Rice says it's "too early" to know who was behind the attack, the Syrians – who keep a very close watch on their neck of the woods – are pretty certain: the Syrian ambassador to the U.S. said on CNN that Jund al-Sham, a Syrian Sunni fundamentalist terrorist group, is undoubtedly responsible, and therein lies a story…
Jund al-Sham, loosely affiliated with al-Qaeda, has claimed responsibility for a number of attacks in the Levant, including the assassination of a Hezbollah official. Now this last certainly seems like an odd task for a purportedly Islamist group to undertake. The ostensible motivation for this attack is the Shi'ite-Sunni rivalry: the Shi'ite Hezbollah is considered heretical, and therefore a target of Takfiri retribution, yet the confluence of interests between these "Soldiers of Syria" with the soldiers of Israel in the IDF is striking. Another oddity: the links between Jund al-Sham and a recently uncovered Israeli spy network in Lebanon.
Hussein Khattab, a Palestinian member of the spy ring – which has been linked to several assassinations of Palestinian leaders and Hezbollah militants in Lebanon – is the brother of Sheik Jamal Khattab, an Islamic cleric and recruiter for al-Qaeda in Iraq, who is, in turn, connected to Jund al-Sham. Furthermore, a suspiciously large part of Jund al-Sham's activities in the Levant have been directed against Hezbollah. In July 2005, Jund al-Sham faxed a threat to the Shi'ite Fatwa Center in Tyre, vowing to murder several prominent Hezbollah figures, including former spiritual leader Sayyed Hussein Fadlallah. The group also issued a number of statements labeling Hezbollah "unbelievers" – and thus justifiably targeted by "true" Muslims. Another coincidence: the assassination of Hezbollah leaders Ali Saleh and Ghaleb Awali, as well as Palestinian militants in Lebanon, previously claimed by Jund al-Sham, has been uncovered by the Lebanese security forces as the work of the Mossad ring.
The attack on the U.S. embassy underscores the reality of what is going on in the Levant, with Syria at the epicenter of a brewing Islamist storm – and the U.S. and Israel objectively allied with radical Islamists seeking "regime change" in Damascus. Syria, with its secular government and moderate religious leaders, is an affront to the real terrorists, just as it is anathema in Washington and Tel Aviv. A rational American policy in the region would be to seek a reconciliation with Damascus and an alliance against al-Qaeda and the forces of religious extremism that represent a real threat to our interests. But U.S. interests have nothing to do with our Middle East policy, and that has been true for a long time.
Syria, too, is living in the shadow of a terrorist threat – but it will be a cold day in hell before Washington ever recognizes that. All our policymakers care about is appeasing Israel and maintaining the support of that country's vocal and very powerful Washington lobby – and American interests be damned. Until that policy changes, the Syrians will be fighting a lonely battle against al-Qaeda in their country. I would merely point out that the interests of the Israelis and the Islamists are entirely congruent in the Levant: "regime change" in Damascus, and the elimination of the Hezbollah "unbelievers." That, of course, is just a coincidence – and no doubt a very useful one for all concerned." Terror in the Levant Who attacked the U.S. embassy in Damascus – and why?